Is to control your own mind.

It is a qualification will be able to keep the health state of mind in the body and the same under the correct understanding of nutrition and training to do.
Chapter 1 the mind works to understand what I mean and you caught the heart, heart health
Chapter 2 and exactly using the egogram and pattern analysis for your feelings
Find what fits their keep Chapter 3 deal with therapy mental health prevention method using some psychotherapy
Learn listening near the distance of the mind and how to listen to opponents of Episode 4 chapter
Chapter 5 Summary chapter * traceable to certify our mental trainer level 3 qualifications.
* Print out each application form, text, comment form, please.
* After the end of the course, fill out application form, feedback form, until the **** attached to the email, FAX (03-5812-6947) or by postal mail. * Application form, feedback form after confirming the application listed in the postal address on the certificate.