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[Monthly fee] Minato Efu

[Monthly fee] Minato Efu
File List
File Size Image quality Replay Time Streaming Download
5109.74MB 152,600kbps 約4m possible impossible
17984.28MB 155,350kbps 約15m possible impossible
50959.69MB 151,850kbps 約44m possible impossible
1.64MB~39.18MB 250kbps~9550kbps 約0m possible possible
Product Information

*It is a work that walks with a practitioner.
Today's treatment is immature. Tomorrow's treatment is improving. And it turns immature again.
A non-fiction work that tells you about the skill of the treatment and the growth of the practitioner.

Please look at his growth record while hone your technique skills every day.

Former single actress Efu Minato
The first impression is that she is a very good girl and cute.
A clear answer with an atmosphere created by innocence.

No no no but but...

"Never act"

He keeps this promise faithfully

"I don't want to go crazy. I don't want to feel. I don't speak out!"

And hits a mysterious pride. It's a reverse performance...

However, the treatment starts.

And there is an accident! !! !!

"Tickling... Give up...!"

What! ? If the erotic part is cut...! ?

The guidance technique was not reached, and a give-up declaration was made before the tickling turned into pleasure.

If that happens, there is no choice but to compete with hand-held skills.

However, further trials attack the practitioner.

What a surprise, no voice or dust, no change in facial expression...
When I checked the image later, it was in the camera, not really...
From the perspective of the practitioner at the scene, the air is completely unresponsive.

A practitioner who searches with his hands and air.

Here! ? Is it here! ? No, is it different? No, it's here! ?
A practitioner who becomes sweaty without being known.

"Usually acting. This is normal operation."

She is the one who tells her.

By the way, how is this ending! ?

This operation has only the feeling that the practitioner will become a prey.

What kind of finale is waiting! ?

This treatment that the woman's certain element came out.

Realistic, life-sized Minato Efu, a must-see for fans.

Here is the real world of a woman! !!